An “insight” for everyone

Highly exaggerated terrain to grasp

German Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (BGG), the anti-discrimination law supporting equal opportunities for disabled people in the fields of public law came into effect on 1 May 2002. It represents an important step regarding the implementation of prohibition of discrimination: no one shall be discriminated against because of his/her disability. Formally, also the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is relevant – for a barrier-free Europe.

On the tourism sector, inclusion means that also blind and partially sighted people can participate in and experience touristic attractions. Blind and partially sighted people can – in the wider sense of the words – grasp and experience, and thus comprehend the world thanks to tactile or even audio-tactile information boards or exhibits. Here they can feel the dimensions, orientation, and information.

Hands wide open!

Terrain models, overview and public transport maps as well as orientation aids of buildings, floors, exhibition or open spaces with tactile writing are a useful addition to tactile images and pictograms, floor guidance systems as well as purely acoustic systems.

One of our products, the Audio-Tactile Portable combines the function of a portable tactile map with an audio guide and thus addresses all senses – viewing, listening, feeling and comprehending. Designed for everyone, sights and landmarks become accessible and background information can be provided. Accessibility without barriers means comfort for 100% of your visitors.

Vorstellung unserer ersten Himmelsscheibe für Blinde

Mit unserer weltweit ersten sprechenden Himmelscheibe holen wir blinden und sehbehinderten Menschen sprichwörtlich die Sterne vom Himmel. Die Sternkarte kann präzise bis auf den Tag und die Stunde genau ausgerichtet werden, um das zu dieser Zeit exakte Sternbild anzuzeigen.

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Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or use our contact form to get in touch.